Safety Lamps Repair


How To Fix Halogen Lamp In The Simplest Ways?

Halogen lamps are vastly popular among big households and apartment buildings. They may appear to be similar to incandescent bulbs, but there are a few things that make them different. Many homeowners might be interested in knowing the effects of these new lighting fixtures.

Like any other lamp, a halogen is also likely to become older with time. There may be issues such as burnout or explosions. Problems like these are unpredictable, but you should always be ready. This blog is all about the easiest ways to fix a halogen lamp. Read on to learn how to fix halogen lamp.

What Is A Halogen Lamp?

Halogen lamps come with a tungsten filament that is full of halogen gas. This gas extends the lifespan of the bulb. It even lets the tungsten filament burn at a higher temperature than any standard light bulb. Halogen lamps are comparatively brighter. Thus, they produce lots of heat.

How Does It Work?

All the halogen lamp types function based on a thermal radiator principle. This means that light is produced by heating a solid substance at a very high temperature. The kind of brightness that you will see from these lighting fixtures is proportionate to the heating temperature. Halogen lamps give a constant spectral output.

About 85 percent of the light they emit lies within the infrared region. In contrast, about 15 to 20 percent of the light emitted remains in the visible part, and less than 1 percent is in the ultraviolet area.

Potential Problems With A Halogen Lamp

Halogen lamps may have problems that shorten their lifespan. Here is a list of the issues that you might observe in your lights over time:

Burning Out Or Blackening Of The Bulb


Problems like blackening out of the bulb may occur due to contaminated quartz. Grease from fingers or salts and alkalines may carbonize when they touch the bulb’s outer surface. This results in dark spots that soak up radiation from the filament. Thus, it causes extreme heat and breakage or early burn out of the lamp.

Breaking or melting of a thin spot in an old filament may also be the reason for this. Uneven evaporation and redepositing of the tungsten are the culprits for these thin spots.

Notching Of The Filament

Your bulb’s lifespan can be lowered because of the filament ‘notching’ or ‘necking.’ This problem can be because of the bulb working at a low temperature needed for optimal tungsten evaporation. Constant or excess dimming of the bulbs is the cause of the low temperature.

Cracks And Explosions


Halogen bulbs running at higher temperatures may cause extreme heat and pressure. This can lead to cracking or bursting of the bulb.

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Troubleshooting A Faulty Halogen Lamp

Your halogen may not be able to work as regularly. Are you experiencing anything like that? Then, we have a few troubleshooting tips that you can try to get your halogen lamp back to life.

See whether your lamp is plugged into the right electrical outlet. If your lamp flickers, unreliable wiring or poor circuitry within the outlet might be the reason. You must also consider whether the halogen’s voltage rating matches your home’s rating. Some aged homes might lack voltage, so they can’t fully illuminate newer halogens.

You must check if the light bulb sparks, dims, or doesn’t light. The tungsten filament of the bulb may burn out with time. If anything like that happens, it may result in a darkened filament or a smoky film that coats the inside of the bulb. So, you must get a new bulb and replace the faulty ones.

Do you see any swaying or falling of your halogen? If so, then you must see that your lamp is assembled accurately. For example, lots of large-sized lamps, torch-style lamps, demand a minor home assembly. See whether the body of the lamp is safely screwed into its base and the top of the lamp isn’t shaky. To add an extra layer of security, place the lamp against a wall.

Measures To Take To Have A Longer Lifespan Of A Halogen

If you own a halogen lamp, you only want it to work correctly and last for a long time. For that, here are some preventive measures you must keep in mind:

Avoid Touching A Halogen Bulb With Your Fingers

If you touch a halogen bulb with your fingers, it may leave an imprint, making the bulb’s glass fragile. The bulb might burn out in an hour when that happens.

Turn Off The Spotlight From Time To Time

You must switch off the spotlight every 30 minutes at least. In high summer, you can do so every 15 minutes. Let the spotlight cool down till its outside becomes lukewarm.

Avoid Switching The Spotlight On When The Room Temperature Is Below 13 C °

When the room temperature is under 13 C ° or 55.4F°, you should avoid turning on the spotlight. It may smoke as you turn on the light switch if you don’t. But cheaper lights of 500 Watts have more resilience, and they can burn for a more extended period.

Does Your Bulb Need A Replacement? How To Check This?

If your current light bulb is not working, even after adequately inserting it, it indicates that you need a replacement. Are you using a halogen for the first time? Then you may, too, have to replace the bulb if its wattage isn’t sufficient.

How To Replace A Halogen?

When your halogen light bulb stops working completely, it may be time to replace it with a new one. But for that, you must keep the following into consideration:

  • First, make sure that you have turned the switch off. If you have a halogen ceiling lamp, ensure the power is fully turned off at the wall.
  • Are you replacing a bulb that has been on recently? If so, let it be untouched for some time to cool down. Halogens are likely to become warm when turned on.
  • Find a comfortable position to replace your old halogen. It may be a little complicated to insert a halogen light bulb, especially when they are in the ceiling. So, using a steady chair on which you can stand is good. Also, get somebody who can give you some support, if possible.

When Do You Need A Professional To Repair Your Halogen Lamp?

If your halogen has stopped working unexpectedly, and you want the perfect repair job, hire a professional electrician. A professional can save both your time and effort. Apart from that, you don’t need to worry about the quality of repairs as they are highly experienced in their work.

Not only will they offer lamp repair services, but they will also guide you on the maintenance tips to keep your lamps shining for years. Additionally, they will double-check everything to see whether your halogen is working correctly.

Safety Lamps Repair is a prominent provider of halogen lamps and lamp repair services. Safety Lamps Repair is the place to go if you are seeking quality and cost-friendly halogen lamp repair service. Whatever the problem is, our team of pros will get it done without leaving any signs of dissatisfaction. Contact us now to receive a full-service quotation. We accept debit cards, cheques, online banking, and PayPal.

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